Visma är Nordens ledande leverantör av programvara och tjänster för ekonomi och administration. Sverige. Joined March 2013 


EasyCruit - Recruitment made easy. EasyCruit is easy to use, easy to deploy, and optimised for distributed recruitment. What does EasyCruit do? EasyCruit is an online recruitment solution designed

Lejupielādēt aprakstu. Automatizēts personāla atlases process. EasyCruit nodrošina laika ietaupījumu, pārskatāmāku atlases procesu un labāku darba devēja tēlu. Visma EasyCruit … Med Visma EasyCruit vil du være i stand til at støtte ledere i deres rekrutteringer gennem automatiserede processer og værdifulde rapporter, som letter ledernes arbejde. Hurtig og pålidelig support. Visma Enterprise leverer teknisk infrastruktur i verdensklasse med garanterede SLAs (service level agreements).

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Visma Recruit hjälper dig att strukturera, automatisera och digitalisera hela rekryteringsprocessen. Ni får heltäckande stöd att rekrytera kompetensbaserat för mer träffsäkra urval. Vi erbjuder ett avancerat och GDPR anpassat rekryteringssystem med hög säkerhet som hjälper er i era rekryteringar. Easycruit är en molntjänst utvecklad av Visma. Således kan företag i Visma-koncernen och deras underleverantörer av IT-tjänster ha tillgång till personuppgifter om kandidater som en del av driften av tjänsten. Visma Koncernen verkar i Norden, Benelux, Centraleuropa och Östeuropa.

Hurtig og pålidelig support. Visma Enterprise leverer teknisk infrastruktur i verdensklasse med garanterede SLAs (service level agreements). Starting a new job means, starting a new chapter in your life as an employee.

Visma Koncernen verkar i Norden, Benelux, Centraleuropa och Östeuropa. Med fler än 11 000 anställda, 1 000 000 kundavtal och en omsättning på 1 526 miljoner euro under 2019 är koncernen ett av de ledande programvaruföretagen i Europa.

With more than 11,000 employees, 1,000,000 customer contracts and net revenue of €1.5 billion in 2019, Visma is one of Europe’s leading software companies. Visit The Visma group operates across the entire Nordic region along with Benelux, Central and Eastern Europe.

Visma easycruit

Visma ML Assets is co-located with Visma e-conomic in Copenhagen, on the waterfront. This summer we will move to Carlsberg Byen together with all Visma's companies in the Metropolitan area. The new 20,000 m² building will be the largest commercial building in Carlsberg Byen with room for over 1100 employees, and is within walking distance of S-trains and the metro.

Visma easycruit

Om du vill  Visma EasyCruit Sammanfattning av vår senaste produktutveckling Augusti Svensk version Innehåll Innehåll 2 Vad har vi arbetat med? 3 Förbättringar för den  More info: 4 dagar sedan.

The new 20,000 m² building will be the largest commercial building in Carlsberg Byen with room for over 1100 employees, and is within walking distance of S-trains and the metro. In the meantime, you can advise your candidates to apply by filling the application manually or use the function" Upload and parse information from a document on your device or in the cloud"- if your company has this functionality enabled Visma EasyCruit Sådan støtter EasyCruit dit rekrutteringsbehov Et behov for rekruttering opstår EasyCruit letter kommunikationen, og giver dig støtte under hele rekrutteringsprocessen. Muligheden for at tildele hver bruger en foruddefineret rolle, letter oprettelsen af rekrutteringsgrupper. Du har alle informationer om sagen samlet ét sted The Visma EasyCruit development team works hard to make EasyCruit better every day. We have created this document to give you some insight into what we are currently working on. This can be a solution for a specific support case, but could also be functional enhancements.
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Visma easycruit

EasyCruit operates as a subsidiary of Visma group. WordPress plugin to synchronize content from Visma EasyCruit to WordPress. Import vacancies into your WordPress website based upon an XML datafeed.

Using Visma EasyCruit for your recruitments makes you the Data Controller. That means that you are the one in charge of the purpose and handling of the personal data you obtain from candidates. In the EasyCruit, do not use EasyCruit, submit an order form or accept the TOS when presented.
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Starting a new job means, starting a new chapter in your life as an employee. You might wonder, did I take the right decision? What will be on the road ahead

Visma The group operates across the entire Nordic region along with Benelux, Central and Eastern Europe. With over 10,000 employees, more than 1,000,000 customers and net revenue of NOK 11,389 million in 2018, Visma is one of Europe’s leading software companies.

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Visma EasyCruit is recruitmentsoftware in de cloud die het proces optimaliseert en zorgt voor kwaliteit in alle stadia van het recruitmentproces. Met Visma E

Välj vilken typ av användare du vill logga in som: Logga in som arbetssökande Visma EasyCruit - Heartbeat will provide up-to-date information on any major problems when Visma EasyCruit isn't feeling very well. If you require any further information, please use the Support Panel, or find your local contact details here. Visma EasyCruit er et rekrutteringssystem som ikke bare sikrer kvalitet under selve prosessen, men som også er oppdatert i henhold til GDPR, noe som er avgjørende for fremtidige rekrutteringsprosesser.